Are you looking for a good massage therapist and you are not sure what questions to ask to increase your chances of receiving a good massage. You would rather test out the merchandise before you spend the money and the time on a full body massage. Here are what I call the top 10 questions to ask any massage therapist so that you receive a good massage.
- What is your speciality? If the massage therapist specializes in something and can give a good explanation about their speciality, they are more likely to be passionate about their work
- What massage technique do you use to relax extremely tight muscles? Some massage therapist do not know how to relax tight muscle, so having a specific technique shows experience. Good examples would be deep tissue, myofacial release, energy work.
- Have you taught a massage class or are you planning on teaching in the future? When you teach something, one has to know the subject twice as well as the student. This demonstrates knowledge of massage.
If you are still on the fence and they have answered more than half to your satisfaction, go ahead and give them a chance. Book the massage.